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DS1307 RTC on FPP

Started by pmscientist, September 21, 2013, 06:37:51 PM

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I happened to have a DS1307 in use on a RPi and figured I'd see if it'd work w/the FPP image. Thankfully, the kernel modules are there, so it wasn't hard. Keep in mind that, since this isn't supported by the FPP team, you'll probably need to redo this with each upgrade. Not a major deal, but adds steps each time.

In lieu of writing my own tutorial, I'll link to a quality one that already exists. I did one thing differently from the second part of the instructions to work better with the way FPP has things setup.

Second (w/minor modification):
-when editing rc.local, add the lines below the corresponding 'echo pcf2127a 0x51' lines


Is this a plug n play rtc or does it half to be manually wired in.  Also what is the price?

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk 4


The specific breakout pictured in the docs requires jumper wires. However, I'm using a board I had made, so it plugs in directly. The 1307 itself is $3-4, and only needs a 32.769kHz crystal, decoupling cap and battery. I can publish the pcb files if anyone is interested.

From the software side, all the kernel modules are already in the FPP image. It's just a matter of setting some config files up.

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