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Not getting to logon prompt

Started by jnealand, October 05, 2013, 10:59:52 AM

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After messing around with trying to get my Tenda wireless to work I finally gave up and ordered an Edimax.  I have it now and to start fresh I re-formatted my SD card and put the 0.1.0 image on it.  I can now boot up and get the Pi player from my desktop, but when I go to the PI with video, and KB I can not get to the logon prompt.  The system display is stuck on a line that says

Warning: unknown key: '0.10.', skipping

Hitting return or ctrl-x does nothing but give me a new line.  I am stuck at this point.  I do get the ip address audio and I can run FPP, but I cannot get to the system logon so that I can try to set up my edimax.
Here is photo of the screen I made with my phone.

[attachment deleted by admin]
Jim Nealand
Kennesaw, GA all Falcon controllers, all 12v Master Remote Multisync with Pi and BBB P10 and P5


What are the IPs you get?  My guess is something's not parsed correctly for the IP address text.  By chance is your IP address

Also, try CTRL+C, not CTRL+X.  That might get you to a prompt.


can you telnet to your pi on or (wireless dhcp)


If you look at the screen shot I get two ip addresses and

Ctrl-c, ctrl-x, and anything else I try does nothing but give me a new line

I can access the Pi over the network using fpp,, and  All take me to the standard FPP interface.

Why would I need to telnet in if I have a direct console right in front of me?

Jim Nealand
Kennesaw, GA all Falcon controllers, all 12v Master Remote Multisync with Pi and BBB P10 and P5


Booted mine up just now and let it update to latest git version - and now I am getting sometime simular with different values.  Parsing and going thru the rc.local - all the commands are being executed with the last one being the FPPD daemon - its the daemon program spitting out:

pi@FPP ~ $ sudo /home/pi/fpp/bin/fppd > /dev/null
Warning: unknown key: '0,75,', skipping

it is also not compiled for daemon mode and it is not coming back to the CLI hence no login prompt

Matt or Dave is gonna have to fix this one

For the time being use putty and ssh into the pi - same as using the master console


David Pitts

I have updated FPPD and it will now return to prompt. Just needed to add a default setting in initialization to make FPPD become a daemon. We have just merged a new settings system that Mat has made (thanks Mat) and we have a few quirks to iron out. Jim thanks for your patience.  Jim you need to reboot with your PI on the internet.
PixelController, LLC


Ah, I see the problem now.  I made "foreground" the default because in the web interface I always forcibly pass "--daemonize" so it is always run as a daemon.  I forgot that at bootup, the command line arg isn't passed.

It might work to get to the FPP web interface and click "Stop FPPD" (which will kill the foreground process hanging rc.local to hang) and then re-start it from the web interface (which will call with --daemonize).

Sorry about that, and thanks for fixing it David!

David Pitts

On next image release we can add the "--daemonize" option when starting FPPD from rc.local. Then i will set default to not create daemon for testing purposes.
PixelController, LLC


I'm still getting errors when trying to add my edimax using wpa_cli but will fight that problem in another thread.  However, this logon issue has me thinking that I would like to see in the player settings a switch that would stop automatic updates.  Similar to how many of us turned Windows automatic updates off during the season.  Once I get my show up and running the last thing I want to take a chance on is having an automatic update come in and potentially shut everything down.  I can see that there may be a need to have some fixes applied during the season, but I want to be able to be present and in control when those would be applied.  Hence a switch to turn on/off automatic updates or to initiate a manual update.  Just my two cents and probably worth even less these days.
Jim Nealand
Kennesaw, GA all Falcon controllers, all 12v Master Remote Multisync with Pi and BBB P10 and P5

David Pitts

PixelController, LLC


Quote from: jnealand on October 05, 2013, 06:14:35 PM
Hence a switch to turn on/off automatic updates or to initiate a manual update.

I already had the second part on my TODO list for helping speed up development, so I just added the first part to allow disabling auto updates to my TODO list as well.


I think we're all in agreement with that "on/off" switch.  I manually turn it off on my Pis since I'm developing and it would fail anyways, but making an "easy button" for that would be ideal.

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