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A Working Network Config--- What do you think?

Started by bajadahl, October 17, 2013, 05:23:33 PM

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I've been working on this training video and spending time thinking about the networking......  When I decided to put my network guy hat on (I haven't been a network admin in 15 years)  I am really not a fan of the wireless network on the Pi so I was thinking of another way and it appears to be working great for me, however, before I incorporate it into a training video as an option I wanted to share it with the team to see what you all think.  Again this is my config and it appears to be working for now.  Please ask questions and post thoughts.


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David Pitts

Your setup looks good. Although I think covering the bare minimum setup with a single router would be a first good step. Also I think stressing the point to use unicast mode as the preferred method of sending E131 data is also a good point to make. I look forward to see what you have done. :)
PixelController, LLC


Your absolutely right David....... I tend to do that.....Start off with one idea of just the basics and then expand it to cover every possibility (which just confuses people).   I think I want to do a series of videos because I have lots of ideas to share but for this first one I am going to pear it back down to a basic setup that gets them going with it.

Thanks for getting me back on track...

David Pitts

That sounds great. I do think there is a need to cover more advanced network setups in subsequent videos. It is best to keep E131 data off main home network and this can only be done with multiple routers.
PixelController, LLC

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