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F16v4 & smart receiver setup

Started by mrfix1, October 15, 2023, 04:55:50 PM

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I know people have asked this question but after all the reading and watching of videos I still can't figure out why when I plug my smart receiver falcon v 2.01 not I have 2 if I pluge each one in to the deferential one on port A and one on port B all works good but if I plug 1 receiver in to the othere the second one will not work I did set one to A and the othere to B On the smart controllers I am missing  a step in the setup any ideas.
I can post pics as you guys request what you need to see.

Sent from my SM-N975U using Tapatalk


Make sure that you have your termination set correctly.  The last controller in the chain should be the only one with its termination switches set to on.  IF you have set the termination on both cards to on, the second card may not get enough of a signal to operate properly.


I have the first set to off the second set to on
I think it's  something I am not setting correctly in xlights

Sent from my SM-N975U using Tapatalk


I know that guys are getting busy at this time, but may I suggest that you connect to the Zoom Room and let them walk you through it.  They are a great bunch of guys who hang around up there helping folks.
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Sounds like you could be configuring the 2.01 cards correctly.  How are you configuring the F16v4?  Are you doing it manually, or letting xlights manage for you?   

The Falcon needs to be configured for the expansion boards.  You can do this from the "Status" page. 
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Once configured with the correct expansion cards head over to the "Output Setting"\"Pixel" tab.  If the 2.01 board is in native mode it will take next available ports.  In my picture 17-20. 
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If you want to chain them they must be in Smart mode.  To do that, you need to hit the Plus symbols to the right of the port.  At that point you will see the port as 17a,18a,19b,20a and 17b,18b,19b,20b.
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If that does not resolve please take a screen shot of your settings above, and a picture of the 2.01 boards showing the current settings.


Quote from: JonD on October 15, 2023, 08:13:09 PMSounds like you could be configuring the 2.01 cards correctly.  How are you configuring the F16v4?  Are you doing it manually, or letting xlights manage for you?   

The Falcon needs to be configured for the expansion boards.  You can do this from the "Status" page. 
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Once configured with the correct expansion cards head over to the "Output Setting"\"Pixel" tab.  If the 2.01 board is in native mode it will take next available ports.  In my picture 17-20. 
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If you want to chain them they must be in Smart mode.  To do that, you need to hit the Plus symbols to the right of the port.  At that point you will see the port as 17a,18a,19b,20a and 17b,18b,19b,20b.
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If that does not resolve please take a screen shot of your settings above, and a picture of the 2.01 boards showing the current settings.
I am using the 2.01 cards Falcon F16V4X lights full control Of management One card is set to a on the dial the others is set to be on the dial the only difference I know on doors to mine is you have your controller mode set to DD and I am running the Arnet  And yes I have the expansion board attached to the ribbon cable on the F16V4 I will post some screenshots later so you can see what I'm looking at.

Sent from my SM-N975U using Tapatalk


DDP is more efficient, but E1.31 should work fine.  If xlights is configuring the Falcon... a print screen of the xlights controller setup would be handy as well.  The 2.01 settings are just a portion of everything needed to make it work.  A print screen of your controller settings, the Falcon "Status" page, the Output\Pixel settings, and a picture of each 2.01 card you are trying to setup would be helpful to troubleshoot this. 


2 screen shots

Sent from my SM-N975U using Tapatalk

K-State Fan

When daisy chaining the remotes your ports will be 17A, 17B  ..... 20A, 20B

A print screen or snip is much easier to read then a picture of your screen


You are not giving us very much information to work off, and have not provided all the screen shots requested. 

From the small amount of information you provided, your props do not seem to be configured to use the Smart Receivers.  At the bottom if the light string settings you need to select smart receiver and the correct letter number.
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Also confirming you are using a F16V4 4 Port Differential Expansion Board w/ribbon cable? That is what "16 Local Ports + 4 Smart Receiver Chains" is referring to in your xlights controller configuration.

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Quote from: JonD on October 17, 2023, 06:26:55 AMAt the bottom if the light string settings you need to select smart receiver and the correct letter number.
That is probably not the best way to do it. It is typically better and less error prone to do it in the Visualizer.
If to err is human, I am more human than most people.


Quote from: Poporacer on October 17, 2023, 07:03:10 AMThat is probably not the best way to do it. It is typically better and less error prone to do it in the Visualizer.
I am sure you're right, but there is no option when I use visualizer to select a remote letter.  How do you define native vs smart remote ports using the visualizer? 


Quote from: mrfix1 on October 17, 2023, 04:14:18 AM2 screen shots
First thing, please post a screenshot and not a picture of your screen. Pictures are hard to see and typically do not give us all the information we need.
Second, is there a reason you are using Artnet? That is not a common protocol to use.
Third, are you using the 4 port Expansion board that @JonD posted, or are you using the onboard RCVR ports?
Finally, you do not have things configured correctly. When you connect a cable to a port on the F16 or expansion board, that cable is used for only 4 LOGICAL ports on your controller. So, assuming that you have the expansion board like you stated, the cable connected into the first RJ45 jack will only be for ports 17-20. The first receiver will be ports 17A, 18A, 19A, and 20A. The second receiver will then be 17B, 18B, 19B, and 29B and then it will keep going like that.
In your picture, you have your trim going to the wrong ports. They should be on the same ports as your Windows.
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This diagram might help?
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You should really jump in the Zoom Room to get much better and quicker help.
If to err is human, I am more human than most people.


Quote from: JonD on October 17, 2023, 07:14:57 AMbut there is no option when I use visualizer to select a remote letter
There are several options besides just choosing the Remote letter and Receiver type. If you right click on a model, you get several options.You cannot view this attachment.
If to err is human, I am more human than most people.

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