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FPP Ignore GPIO triggers outside show hours

Started by robbiet, September 27, 2023, 09:29:09 AM

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Hi. Does anyone know how to disable GPIO triggers outside of scheduled show hours?  My Pi stays on 24/7, so need a way to disable triggers during the day. These are motion sensors so I've thought about putting them on a relay to power off during the day. Is there a way to just configure in FPP?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


In the past I have used two GPIO triggers.  A primary trigger that is turned on/off during show hours and a secondary trigger for the play button.  When the primary trigger is enabled the secondary trigger works.  Out of schedule the primary trigger is disabled which prevents the secondary trigger from working.  I have seen someone ask this question before and it seems like someone had a better response, but not finding it now.  If someone else doesn't answer you might search for it in the archives.


I found the topic I mentioned above

Quote from: CaptainMurdoch on January 03, 2023, 01:47:05 PMIf you are still wanting to enable/disable the gpio input via the scheduler, you can try running a script that calls the 'fpp' command to switch the gpio pin from input to output.  If it is set to output, then any button presses should be ignored until you run the fpp helper again to set it back to an input.
/opt/fpp/src/fpp -G GPIO_NUMBER Output
/opt/fpp/src/fpp -G GPIO_NUMBER Input
/opt/fpp/src/fpp -G 17 Output
/opt/fpp/src/fpp -G 17 Input

The case is sensitive on the Input/Output keywords.  The GPIO_NUMBER is the number on the FPP GPIO Input config page.


Great. I will give this a try. Thanks for digging!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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