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Help for my LED Pit board project

Started by Octonath, May 28, 2024, 10:49:47 AM

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Hey, I'm new to this scene and I would like some help, I'm in a small team who just did and finished the 24H of le Mans (Bike) and I was tasked to make a proof of concept of an LED Pit board. I need a way to send text to FPP to display the lap time and laps remaining. For now, I'm thinking of a script on FPP with arguments that I execute via the REST API but I can't seem to find a way to do it, could you help me ?


The simplest method would be to use the Matrixtools plugin to display text on an Overlay Model.  If you want to make it more fancy, you could make a simple plugin or web page which had a form which would POST the necessary REST API call to display the text supplied in the form.

Are you planning on making a WS281x-based pixel matrix or just use something like P10 panels?  If you already have a display, you can install the plugin and play around with it.  If you don't, then you can plug a Pi into a monitor and create a model for the monitor and test using that.


Thank you, just had a try with the Overlay Model and it's a good way to solve the "how to place the text" problem. Could you elaborate a bit about the Fancy way because in my mind I had that idea because it won't be necessarily me that use it, does matrix tools provide some REST API documentation by any chance ? And about the panels I don't have them yet but I was planning on using 10 P5 panels for an area of 64 cm x 80 cm but maybe P10 could do the trick for how far the driver is seeing the pit board.


The Matrix Tools plugin uses FPP's REST API.  In FPP, click on the Help menu and go to the REST API Help screen.  Look at the 'overlays' endpoints for help on using those to enable/disable a model and put text on a model.

You could make your own .html or .php webpage with a form on it and JavaScript to call the FPP REST API.  The simplest way to be able to use that web page would be to put that file into /opt/fpp/www on the FPP system, but you could go all the way and create/install a plugin with the file(s) in the plugin.  As far as I know, we don't currently have any other way for a user to add a simple web pages with form to FPP. 


Thank you again, works well like that but I got a final question, is there a way to authorize a PUT request from another domain ? I've tried a GET request from my own domain and it works well but as soon as I try a PUT request it refuse the connection, I have tried messing with the .htaccess files but doesn't change anything. Do you know a solution ?

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