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F48 v2.55 can't seem to upgrade

Started by Bluekey277, November 21, 2022, 12:37:43 AM

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I downloaded F48_2_59.fl2 put on a 64GB card. Unplugged the controller put in the card plugged in nothing happens. Card face to the right fully seated. 

I've been lost trying to figure out how to force the output settings from xlights or the player.currently I have to connect the controller to the home network through eternet then back to the Pi to try the changes. 


Below are the directions.  Did you follow them exactly?

It is important that you reset the controller, and update the boot loader before upgrading to 2.55.

Factory Reset (Needed when updating from 2.0x )
1) Save settings to file to reload after update.
2) Power Down
3) Hold in select button (Next to right button).
4) Power up while holding button. The controller should display message stating a reset is occurring.

Replacing bootloader. (These steps are only done once)
1) Place BootloaderUpdater_v1.00.fal on a MicroSD card (32GB or Smaller, formatted Fat32).
2) Place MicroSD card into controller and apply power.
3) The application will be loaded and the screen will prompt to remove sd card and power down then up.
4) Remove SD card.
5) Power Down/up
6) The application will replace bootloader.

Updating Firmware (These steps taken for each firmware update)
1) Place .fl2 file MicroSd card
2) Power Down/Up
3) The firmware will install
4) Remove card when finished and power down/up.
5) Controller will boot

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