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F4V2 Display Issue

Started by jfridge92, November 28, 2022, 03:23:06 PM

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Hi everyone, long time no see! After a nearly 3 year hiatus from the hobby, I am hoping to bring everything back to life this year for Christmas! Moving to a new house in 2020, a move to a more I.T.-based position in my company and adding 2 kids to the family has really put a damper on free time. Work on anything light-related took an obvious back seat for a while.

The issue I am facing is with one of two F4V2's I am running. The lcd display is no longer functioning on one controller. I am able to communicate with the controller, and was able to use the menu of the other F4V2 to navigate the "dead panel" menu to set the IP addresses to my current network. I'm able to see the controller show up and communicate to it via FPP, and it's working just fine to power the lights as expected, just no display panel function. 

Is there an easy fix for the displays on those controllers, or is replacing the screen the best bet? And if replacement is recommended, anyone have a source for those screens or suggestions for updating it? I've tried resetting the controller/firmware, swapping power supplies and verifying that I am getting 12v to the controller's power input. I'm showing 4.96v on the pins to the screen so it's at least getting power there, just seemingly dead. No blown fuses on the controller anywhere, verified with my multi-meter. 

It's not time sensitive since the controller is otherwise functioning as needed, just a minor annoyance when needing to change settings without access to the web interface. 

Other than that, I've been able to get my show reprogrammed for the new house and am just waiting on a 32ft extension ladder to show up on Wednesday to reach the rooflines (didn't realize just how tall this house was compared to our old home). I was able to perform testing on all of the controllers today, and the E682, Renard TR-24 Plus, and second F4V2 are all working just fine! Florida heat and storage only managed to cause issues with 2 strings of pixels for the mega tree, but I suspect it's just a cracked solder joint or bad pixel at the start of those runs. Considering the pixel strips in my arches, and the bullets on the mega tree were all new in 2016, that isn't too bad of a casualty list in my book. 

Thanks in advance! 


Did you ever get it going?

I have the same issue with the same board.  I sent it in to david  from falcon and he could not fix it. 


Sorry for the late response, but yes I was able to fix this controller by replacing the display LED. David updated the stock in the store at the time and I was able to order a few replacement screens to have some backups on hand. Took about 5 minutes to swap out and the controller is working well this season! 

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