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F48 Differential v1.04 Controller and number of supported pixels

Started by smesser, December 16, 2023, 06:50:05 PM

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I have the F48 Differential Controller v1.04 (White board)
I have 6 Smart Receivers v2.01 (Blue board)

I know this is older hardware but kids sports and life got in the way and I am just now getting back to the lighting world.
I just can't seem to get my head around supported number of pixels or how it breaks down by output.

Documentation states that this controller supports up to 16,384 Pixels
It's not that I am trying to control that many pixels just trying to understand.

  Board has 12 ports with 3 banks (each port being 1 output)
    Bank 1 ports  1 to 16
    Bank 2 ports 17 to 32
    Bank 3 ports 33 to 48

    Each output in bank 1 can support 1024 pixels if banks 2 and 3 aren't used. (1024 * 4 = 4096 pixels)
    If banks 1, 2, and 3 are used then
      Bank 1 : Each output will support 512 pixels (512 * 4) = 2048 pixels
      Bank 2 : Each output will support 256 pixels (256 * 4) = 1024 pixels
      Bank 3 : Each output will support 256 pixels (256 * 4) = 1024 pixels
      Total Pixels                                          = 4096 pixels

    Let's say you have a Smart Receiver on each output (12 total).
    Each SR as outlined above

    Bank 1 2048 pixels or 12 strings of 128 pixels
    Bank 2 1024 pixels or 12 strings of  64 pixels
    Bank 3 1024 pixels or 12 strings of  64 pixels

    Then what is the purpose of daisy chaining Smart Receivers?
    Wouldn't it just divide the number of available pixels on a given output even further?
    How would you ever support thousands and thousands of pixels?

    Am I completely missing the whole concept?

Thanks in advance


Quote from: smesser on December 16, 2023, 06:50:05 PMEach output in bank 1 can support 1024 pixels if banks 2 and 3 aren't used. (1024 * 4 = 4096 pixels)
Each port can support 1024 pixels, not the output so 1024 * 16 = 16,384

Quote from: smesser on December 16, 2023, 06:50:05 PMIf banks 1, 2, and 3 are used then
      Bank 1 : Each output will support 512 pixels (512 * 4) = 2048 pixels
      Bank 2 : Each output will support 256 pixels (256 * 4) = 1024 pixels
      Bank 3 : Each output will support 256 pixels (256 * 4) = 1024 pixels
That isn't quite correct.... It is a bit confusing but maybe this will help

The Banks do not have to be equal in size

The size of a Bank is defined by the port in that bank with the highest number of pixels. So, if ports 1-8 each have 200 pixels, port 9 has 800 pixels and ports 10-16 are not used, then the size of Bank A (ports 1-16) will be 800
The sum of the BANK sizes cannot exceed 1024. 
So if we expand on the previous example, then that means that the size of Bank B plus the size of Bank C cannot exceed 224. So if ports 17-20 are not used, port 21 has 200 pixels and ports 22-32 are not used, then the size of Bank B will be 200. That means that no port in Bank C can have more than 24 pixels.

But if you divide everything evenly and put 341 pixels on every port 1-16 (Bank A) 341 on every port 17-32, and 342 on every port 33-48, then that will be 16,384 pixels 

Quote from: smesser on December 16, 2023, 06:50:05 PMWouldn't it just divide the number of available pixels on a given output even further?
Yes, Smart receivers will split the output for that one port only.

Quote from: smesser on December 16, 2023, 06:50:05 PMAm I completely missing the whole concept?
Yes, my explanation might have helped?
If to err is human, I am more human than most people.


Thanks that helped a lot.

I was missing the sum of the BANK sizes can't exceed 1024.


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