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Servo control for a talking skull

Started by d0ugparker, March 26, 2024, 11:08:40 PM

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I can't imagine this is new to anyone here, but I've been thrown to the wolves and I'm scrambling to convert a Windows VSA, 5-channel servo bucky skull so it'll be up and running in a way that a Mac with QLab can trigger its show. 

I'm thinking a Pi3B+ with an Adafruit multi-channel servo hat with FPP installed. I'm wondering what visual sequencing software to use.  


"I can't imagine this is new to anyone here"

I suspect this would be new to many folks here because there are a lot of us that do not use servos for anything.  But there should be a few that can help you.  Good luck.
Jim Nealand
Kennesaw, GA all Falcon controllers, all 12v Master Remote Multisync with Pi and BBB P10 and P5


I have a program that converts VSA files to fseq format.  Send me a file and I'll convert it for you.

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