
LATEST RELEASE:  FPP 8.4 - Download from here -



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Falcon PiCap v2 failed upon upgrade to FPP v8

Started by maffeirw, September 17, 2024, 06:09:11 PM

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Recently got a PiCap v2 and set it up on FPP v7.5 through xLights without problems. Then attempted to upgrade to FPP v8 and it appears to have wiped out my preexisting license and reverted the software to PiCap v1.  The OLED screen no longer functions and I get the following on the status screen using FPP v7.5 or V8:
Abnormal Conditions - May cause poor performance or other issues (Click link icon for help)
  •  DPIPixels: Could not read pin configuration for PiCap-v2
  •  Could not initialize output type DPIPixels. Check logs for details.
In FPP v8, when I go to Channel Outputs under Pixel Strings the screen shows "String Capes"  and a choice to "Download/Install EEPROM" or "Install Virtual EEPROM". I believe that after no choices showed for the PiCap v2 in the "Download/Install EEPROM" selection I clicked Install Virtual EEPROM and selected PiHat from the dropdown list which was probably not the right thing to do. When I reinstalled FPP v7.5 I get the same status screen but the Channel Outputs show only 2 ports and the message:
This cape EEPROM is not signed. Output will be limited to 50 Pixels Per Output and Smart Receiver support is disabled. See the [color=rgba(var(--bs-link-color-rgb), var(--bs-link-opacity, 1))]Cape Info[/color] page for more details

Luceat lux vestra



Looks like the same thing just happened to me - same errors, same eeprom issue. Did you end up resolving it? Hoping it's an easy solution


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