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xLights (Lights ON) / FPP (While Show is Playing) Fighting Each Other

Started by GregMM, October 28, 2023, 05:39:58 PM

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Hi, not sure if this is possible or not.

What I am trying to achieve is when a scheduled show is playing in FPP and I turn on the Light Output in xLights that xLights overrides FPP (see attached diagram), instead I am getting both playing and flashing rapidly back and forth (I know I can manually stop FPP, but looking for something automated).

I have tried sending data directly to controller (F16v2R) or through FPP E1.31 Inputs marking xLights E1.31 Priority Higher than FPP's.

Is this easily achievable through some built in means or should I be looking into scripting some sort of pause/unpause for FPP?



I think I figured out a solution, using Method B (xLights -> FPP -> F16V2R)

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FPP Inputs

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FPP I/O Settings (Bridge Data Priority = Prioritize Bridge)

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xLights Controller Settings (Active -> xLights Only)

Now when show is playing (which is often as I have permeant setup and use for night lighting) and I press "Output To Lights" button, the show I am designing plays without any flashing of the scheduled show FPP is playing

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